Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hello Stranger Poster Art

I publish my drawings and graphics at Zazzle and was recently browsing art when I happened upon an artist whose work intriques me.

 I think several of her black and white printed posters would be perfect for adult or teen coloring projects.

Here is one of my favorite posters from her hand-rendered art prints collection; it is a picture of a woman waving from a city window - Hello, Stranger - is she lonely, homebound or perhaps simply shy?

Hello Stranger Poster by BarbrasArtistPad
View more Urban Posters online at zazzle


  1. I like this a lot. What a fun card it will make for "missing you" Thank you for sharing your talent.


If you enjoy these detailed coloring pages for adults and older kids, be sure to visit Coloring Fun for Adults at Squidoo.